Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Annual Celebrations

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Twice each year, all Lehigh employees are invited to special events that celebrate our work and our community.

The Lehigh Staff Appreciation Dinner

Staff gather each spring for a festive dinner and program. The annual University Awards are presented, and we also honor retirees and remember colleagues who have passed away.

Invitations are emailed to employees in April. Be sure to RSVP if you plan on attend.

Lehigh Winter Wonderland

Our December party is always a fun and relaxed event. Faculty and staff have also made philanthropy an important part of the holiday party tradition. The party committee selects a charitable organization to benefit from the generosity of our employees. In recent years, Community Action Coalition of the Lehigh Valley, Turning Point Of The Lehigh Valley, New Bethany and Second Harvest Food Bank have been among the groups receiving cash and in-kind donations.