Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Your First Week

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First Day Tasks to Complete
  • Obtain Your LIN/PIN - Your Lehigh Identification Number (LIN) will help you to obtain your parking pass, ID card with electronic access, and other important information. Once your computing account is set up you can head to and find your LIN number located in the upper right hand corner. 
  • Obtain Your Lehigh ID card - You'll need to have your LIN and a form of ID. Be sure to check out the perks your Lehigh ID card grants you.
  • Obtain Your Parking Permit - A parking permit is required to park on campus. You will need to fill out a Motor Vehicle Registration form and an Election/Payroll Deduction Authorization form in order to receive your permit. 
  • Set Up Your Voice Mail
  • Set Up Your Email Account


First Week Tasks to Complete
  • Tour your Department and Meet Other Department Staff - Sometimes the hardest part of the first week in a new job is just remembering everyone's names. Try to schedule time to walk around and be introduced to colleagues beyond your direct co-workers.
  • Become Familiar With the Campus - Use your lunch breaks to take walks around campus and then take this Buzzfeed Quiz to see how much you learn.
  • Follow Work/Life Lehigh on Facebook and Instagram- You'll get info on all things Lehigh, from benefits to employee discounts to upcoming events on campus.
  • Join the Lehigh University New Employees Group on Facebook.
  • Meet with Your Supervisor - This should be an ongoing activity during your onboarding period. Topics you may want to discuss:
    • Department organization and protocols
    • Job duties and responsibilities
    • Performance expectations
    • 180-day provisional period
    • Work schedule, breaks, and time off policies
    • Compensation and pay policies
    • Work environment safety
  • Complete Online Compliance Training - Refer to the compliance training email you received for information. 
  • Review Lehigh University Policies – The Lehigh University policies are included in the manual that is handed out at Benefits Orientation. You can also review these policies online.
  • Ask Questions; Discuss Concerns - Don’t hesitate to ask questions or raise any concerns you may have during your first week. Now is the time to seek clarification.


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