Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Essential Management

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People are the University’s most valuable asset. Directing, engaging, empowering, encouraging, and inspiring staff to their performance potential is a key responsibility of the manager’s role. This track will prepare managers to fulfill that ongoing and challenging responsibility and is designed to provide managers with vital competencies essential to fulfilling their demanding roles at Lehigh University.

Required Courses

CITE: Your Story, My Story A requirement of all managers, this theatrical program provides an opportunity for audiences to hear, explore, and experience each other in a manner that illuminates their similarities rather than their differences. 

Crucial Conversations Crucial Conversations is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics—at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment. Attendance at all three sessions is required. 

Inclusion Insights An expectation of all staff, Inclusion Insights is self-discovery about how our experience drives our assumptions. Develop awareness of our potential blind spots.

Crucial Accountability  If you want to learn how to hold others accountable, or as a leader you want to help create a culture where everyone speaks honestly, clearly, and respectfully about violated expectations, this course is your next logical choice. (Crucial Conversations is a prerequisite to this course)

Journey to High Performance (J to HP) Program:
J to HP presents five topics in eight days over eight months and closes with a follow up session to help promote continuous enhancement of the vital competencies.  Participation in the Journey to High Performance program is by manager nomination.

        The Case for High Performance

        Practices of Successful Leaders (PSL)

        Discovering the Leader in You

        Engagement: Linking Communication to Leading

        Performance Management: Linking Communication to Managing  

        Follow Up Session

Not Anymore Staff and faculty online harassment and discrimination training. A requirement of all staff, including managers.

VISIONS Visions trainings are about enhancing Lehigh's capacity to create an equitable campus community by introducing staff, faculty, students to the Visions framework and common language (guidelines for effective dialogue, target/non-target, modern "isms" and internalized oppression, etc.). A requirement for managers.


*If you have questions, you may contact Linda Lefever( or x85195), or Tarah Cicero ( or x83698).


Additional Resources