Before beginning the application review, please complete the Applicant Screening module in the PageUp Learning Library.
Visit this link for additional guidance on reviewing applications.
Log into Connect Lehigh
Select Employee
Select Page Up to access the PageUp People System
Click the Administration link that’s located under the blue Recruitment/Position Description heading
The Administration area of the system will open as a tiled dashboard in a new window
Click Jobs (at the top of the screen)
Click the blue linked title of the position
Click View Applications (in the upper right-hand corner)
The Applicant Progress Board may display. If that's the case, select List View (in the upper right hand corner) to view applications.
Click the candidate’s name
Note: Flags associated with an application appear next to the candidate’s name:
Click the Resume tab to view the candidate’s resume
If the message, “No resume exists for this applicant,” displays:
Click the Applications tab
This will show all applications submitted for Lehigh positions by this applicant
Find the position
Click View (under the Form heading)
This will open the candidates full application, including links to their resume and cover letter, if required
After reviewing the applicant’s information, determine whether or not they are moving forward in the process.
Visit this link to learn Tips and Tricks for Reviewing Resumes
Select either phone/video event booking or on campus interview event booking, depending on your process
This will open the booking and events module
Visit this link to learn more about using booking and events
Remember, all candidates being interviewed must undergo a consistent interview process
Do not update their status
Take no action for now
Select Screen unsuccessful
This will open a new window with the regret email
Under the Screen Unsuccessful Reason heading (toward the bottom of the page), select the reason why the candidate is not suitable
If selecting “other” add a note that gives more detail
Select Move Now at the bottom of the page