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Tuition Benefits For Spouses And Domestic Partners

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Educational benefits available to the spouses and domestic partners of benefits eligible faculty and staff include:

Tuition Benefits at Lehigh University for Undergraduate Study

Lehigh University provides up to 100% undergraduate tuition remission benefit for eligible spouses and domestic partners of full benefits eligible faculty and staff members. 

Tuition Benefits at Lehigh University for Graduate Study

Lehigh University provides a 100 percent graduate study tuition remission benefit for eligible spouses and domestic partners of full benefits eligible faculty and staff members. 

LVAIC Tuition Exchange Program

The program provides for tuition waiver for up to two undergraduate courses in the Spring and Fall semesters at participating institutions in the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges. 

LVAIC Graduate Tuition Discount Program

The program provides a discount on certain graduate programs at participating LVAIC colleges and universities.


These benefits may or may not apply to Centennial School employees. Check with Human Resources to decide eligibility.