A salary structure is a hierarchy of salary grades and ranges. Organizations develop their internal salary structure to ensure consistent and fair compensation practices. Salary structures vary. Some organizations use a traditional structure with lots of grades and narrow salary ranges. Other organizations take a non-traditional approach with a limited number of grades and very wide ranges.
At Lehigh, we have a blended design for optimum flexibility and minimum complexity. Our salary structure consists of fifteen (15) salary grades and each grade has an associated salary range with a minimum, midpoint, and maximum salary. The salary ranges increase in size as the salary grades progress from grade 1 to grade 15.
The salary ranges are re-evaluated each year and adjusted, as necessary, to keep pace with average wage growth in the external labor market.
Current Staff Salary Tables * (Lehigh log-in required)
* These salary tables do not apply to Research Scientist, Research Engineer, or Research Associate positions.