The search committee chair leads the search process from start to finish. They should organize all meetings, be the point person for questions and concerns, and ensure the search committee is staying on task.
A search committee member is someone who participates in recruiting for an open staff position at Lehigh University. Search committee members evaluate candidates, participate in the interview process, and recommend finalists. A typical search committee should be composed of individuals who will interact most closely with the position.
Search committees use PageUp to review/rate candidates and provide feedback to the search committee chair. Search committee members cannot view other individuals’ responses in PageUp. However, search committee chairs can view all ratings and feedback submitted.
To learn more about the roles of search committee members and chairs and best practices for participating in a search committee, visit this link.
Search Committee Members
Log into Connect Lehigh
Select Employee
Select PageUp to access the PageUp People System
Click the Administration link (located under the blue Recruitment/Position Description heading)
The Administration area of the system will open as a tiled dashboard in a new window
Click the Search Committee Review tile
A list of all positions for which you're on the search committee will appear
Click View applicants (to the right of the job you want to work within)
Check the box net to the applicant you wish to review
A quick link to the candidate’s resume is located to the right of the check box
Select one of the following Outcomes for each of the selection criteria:
Does not meet criteria
Meets criteria
Exceeds criteria
Add any applicable notes to the Comments box
At the bottom, provide a summary describing why the candidate is or is not recommended to move forward
Select one of the following Overall Outcomes
Does not meet criteria
Meets criteria
Exceeds criteria
Click Save and Next
The individual just reviewed will move to the bottom of the applicant list; the word “reviewed” and the overall outcome will appear next to their name
Search Committee Chairs
Log into Connect Lehigh
Select Employee
Select PageUp to access the PageUp People System
Click the Administration link (located under the blue Recruitment/Position Description heading)
The Administration area of the system will open as a tiled dashboard in a new window
Click the Search Committee Review tile
A list of all active searches (for which you're on the search committee) will display
Click View Responses (to the right of the position)
The search committee’s ratings vs. selection criteria will be visible