Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Foundations of Management

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This program is designed to transition first time managers or managers new to Lehigh to Lehigh's Core Managerial Success Factors. Learn expectations of communicating in our culture, policies and practices of importance as you step into the role. Foundations is a platform for essential learning; a supervisor’s “need to know.”

  • Provide a consistent set of expectations of managers at Lehigh to be successful in their role 
  • Provide understanding of employment law, application and resources, how to proactively avoid pitfalls, and what to do in cases where practice is in question
  • Ensure that supervisors understand the essentials of performance management, setting goals, providing feedback, coaching, and holding themselves and others accountable 
  • Understand the core values of Lehigh and how to support a community of equity and inclusion
  • Build broad base knowledge and collaborative networks across Lehigh


Required Courses

CITE: Your Story, My Story A requirement of all managers, this theatrical program provides an opportunity for audiences to hear, explore, and experience each other in a manner that illuminates their similarities rather than their differences. 

Collaborating Across Generations In this interactive course, we discuss how world events and influential people shaped each generation and their workplace style, how today’s workforce is changing, and how to use diverse perspectives and best practices to build understanding and productivity.

Crash Courses for Managers Series (2 hours per topic; Crash Courses are offered throughout the year):

Session Title



Navigating Employment Law

Builds an understanding of Human Resource law (Workplace, FML, ADA, Harassment, FLSA, Title IX, Discrimination, etc.) Learn what employment law is and what resources to tap into when in doubt.

Tarah Cicero


Leading at Lehigh

This course focuses on individual development and effectiveness, the power of communication and the necessity of collaboration in the Lehigh culture.

Tarah Cicero

Salary Administration 101


This information session will provide an overview of how Lehigh’s compensation system works through review of salary policies and guidelines.

Lori Claudio



Coaching for Performance

From dialog to documentation to coaching for continuous improvement, this is an essential for all supervisors and managers.  Learn about developing your staff through feedback and accountability.

Linda Lefever


Resourcefulness in Conflict

Learn your resources to deepen your understanding, communication and decision making in challenging circumstances.

Tarah Cicero


Equitable Workplace

Understand the legal and Lehigh expectations for a culture of respect; free of harassment, hostility and retaliation.

Karen Salvemini

Rewards, Recognition and Wellness

This information session will cover the principles of the University’s staff recognition awards and explain how you can fully utilize one or more of the three recognition programs for your staff and/or colleagues.

Mary Jo McNulty

Conducting an Effective Search

Teams are seldom static.  What steps will you take to replace, retain, redesign, and recruit when presented with that opportunity?

Aubrie Sobieski

Onboarding the Best

You have recruited, searched, interviewed and offered a position to your candidate. Now what? How do you introduce your new hire to their space, colleagues, network, accountabilities and processes and culture in a paced and effective way?

Aubrie Sobieski

Leading Flexplace and Remote Teams 

This workshop focuses on best practices for leading and engaging employees in the Lehigh flexplace environment and those who are working fully remotely.

We'll discuss the Lehigh Flexplace and Fully Remote Policies, ways to promote flexibility, and how to manage requests and unique situations. You'll also have the opportunity to network with colleagues at Lehigh to discuss challenges and learn more about what strategies have worked well for them.

Lori Claudio

Tarah Cicero


Crucial Conversations Crucial Conversations is a course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics—at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment. Attendance at all three sessions is required. 

Inclusion Insights An expectation of all staff, Inclusion Insights is self-discovery about how our experience drives our assumptions. Develop awareness of our potential blind spots.

Not Anymore Staff and faculty online harassment and discrimination training. A requirement of all staff, including managers.

VISIONS Visions trainings are about enhancing Lehigh's capacity to create an equitable campus community by introducing staff, faculty, students to the Visions framework and common language (guidelines for effective dialogue, target/non-target, modern "isms" and internalized oppression, etc.). A requirement for managers.


Elective Course(s)

Learning the Institution: An elective for all staff, but not to be missed.  The demand exceeds our ability to meet, so you may encounter a wait list.  This will not preclude you from achieving certification but get on that list early…you will not be disappointed.  (2 hours each/18 sessions/ September thru May). Email Mary Jo McNulty,, to register.


Additional Resources