Human Resources
Finance & Administration

When to Contact HR

You are here

We encourage you to contact us when you have questions about employee relations issues, including:

  • Employment, such as hiring practices, salary, job classification, promotion, discipline, probation, and termination
  • University policy and its application to specific situations
  • Situations that involve discrimination in gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or marital status.

The purpose of inquiries can be:

  • To solicit general information
  • To identify and discuss the issues involved
  • To consider alternative courses of action
  • To do something to resolve a specific situation.

Employee relations staff welcomes your calls or emails. Conversations are confidential and in most cases, you determine the outcome of the meeting and any future actions. HR staff can provide information, assistance and support. We can also help identify the range of solutions in a given circumstance.

Who To Contact

Linda Lefever, Human Resources Manager, Employee Relations, Workplace Learning and Performance

Phone:  610-758-5195

Karen Salvemini, Esq., Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance Coordinator (for issues of harassment, discrimination and sexual misconduct)

Phone: 610-758-3535

Information For Supervisors And Managers

We encourage supervisors and managers to contact an HR representative to discuss the following:

  • The quality and quantity of an employee’s work
  • Changes in performance or behavior that affect the general office
  • Implementing changes in the workplace
  • Any other issues of supervision.