Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Performance Management

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Performance Management is more than an annual appraisal. It’s a year-round process designed to help you achieve your highest potential in your role at Lehigh.  It’s all about communication, two way communication. And it’s not only WHAT you do – your key accountabilities, it’s also HOW you do your job – success factors. 

At Lehigh, we believe that employees and managers who work together to understand expectations, set goals, plan work, assess, and revise get better results. 

The Performance Cycle

Understanding Expectations
Setting Goals

Performance goals provide the basis for ongoing discussions between employees and supervisors.  Well-defined goals can be incredibly motivating. 


Once you've established expectations and set your goals with your supervisor, the next step in the performance process is to plan your work. There is no single ideal way for all staff to plan their work. Each of us need to find and develop our own work planning style.

Performance Feedback

Ongoing feedback is the hallmark of year-round performance management.

Revising The Work Plan

The performance discussion that takes place as part of the annual appraisal process becomes the transition between reviewing past results and planning assignments and setting expectations for the next performance cycle.

Career Enrichment

Professional development is essential to career growth.