Human Resources
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Cornerstones of Community

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The Cornerstones of Community track is focused around Lehigh’s Principles of Equitable Community. It was developed by the Cornerstones of Community Committee which is comprised of representatives from Human Resources, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, Equal Opportunity Compliance, International Affairs, and Student Affairs. This group was formed to work collaboratively and bring together courses, programs and experiences to ensure our working community continues to move forward in our efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are currently working to update a majority of the Cornerstones coursework to be more aligned with current DEIAB efforts and our strategic goal of A Lehigh for Everyone.

Currently, all Lehigh staff must participate in the foundational Cornerstones of Community Program: Inclusion Insights. The course explains the how and why our brains use shortcuts to save time and energy, and why that process may not help us be inclusive. Participants learn how to contribute to our Equitable Community by seeking different perspectives, new ideas, knowledge and experiences. Inclusion Insights is a two-part program presented via Zoom.