Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Our Code Of Ethics

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Human Resources professionals research, create, manage, and administer programs related to a variety of issues important to employees. We also provide information and counsel to university management to enhance the effectiveness of the university's employees. We value the trust we have earned from employees and managers and work hard to maintain and increase the level of confidence you place in us.

As human resources professionals, we are committed to:

  • Encouraging involvement, participation, and openness from all members of the Lehigh community
  • Balancing organizational and individual employee needs and interests
  • Maintaining an appropriate level of confidentiality concerning the information we hold; denying inappropriate requests for that information, regardless of the source of the request
  • Ensuring the truth and accuracy of data, claims, and recommendations originating from, or passing through Human Resources
  • Showing respect for differences between individuals and groups and accommodating these differences whenever possible
  • Managing our personal opinions and biases in the interest of objectivity and fairness to others
  • Avoiding personal or professional conflicts of interest
  • Using influence and authority appropriately.

In addition, Human Resources staff members adhere to the Finance and Administration Code of Ethics.