Program Planning and Operations
1. Supervision
Each Program Director shall:
- Provide effective supervision for Adults involved with a Program.
- Prohibit participation by any child under the age of six, unless the child is accompanied at all times by his or her parent or guardian.
- Prohibit one-on-one contact between an Adult and a Minor, unless the Adult is the Minor’s parent or guardian.
- Restrict Minors to designated general-use facilities such as athletic fields, public spaces, and academic buildings. Place off-limits to Minors facilities including storage rooms, equipment rooms, athletic training rooms, staff/faculty offices, closets, attics, unfinished basement space, and other areas not needed for Program activities.
- Prohibit Minors from utilizing equipment that poses special hazards including but not limited to:
o Power tools
o Scaffolds, ladders, and similar equipment involving heights
o Cooking equipment involving heat such as rotisseries, deep fryers, and grills
o Food slicers
o Kilns
o Laboratory and research equipment, such as heating equipment, glassware, lasers, and chemicals.
o Lawnmowers
o Golf carts, gators, or other motorized vehicles
o Hoisting apparatus
o Compactors
- Assign a supervisory Adult to be on-site and available to Minors at all times. For overnight programs, the supervisory Adult must reside in the housing unit.
2. Emergency and Safety Protocols for Programs in Lehigh Facilities
Each Program Director shall:
- Establish a procedure for notifying the Minor’s parent/legal guardian in case of an emergency, including medical or behavioral problems, natural disasters, or other significant disruptions. The Program Director shall provide written information on the notification procedure to Adults involved in the Program, parents/legal guardians of Minors and, if age appropriate, the Minor.
- For overnight Programs, provide a roster of all Minors participating in the Program to the Lehigh University Policy Department. The roster shall include each Minor’s name, gender, age, and home address; local room assignment (if any); phone number(s) of parent or legal guardian; and emergency contact information.
- Provide information to the parent or legal guardian detailing the manner in which the Minor can be contacted during the Program.
- For overnight Programs, provide the Lehigh University Police Department with a roster of Program staff and contact information, including information on the Program Director. High school students, such as prospective student-athletes and others participating in pre-enrollment visitations, are exempt from this requirement.
- Program staff may distribute medications to Minors only under the following conditions:
o The Minor’s parent or legal guardian must provide the medication in its original pharmacy container labeled with the Minor’s name, medication name, dosage, and timing of consumption. Over-the-counter medications must be provided in the manufacturer’s container and labeled with the Minor’s name, dosage, and timing of consumption.
o The parent or legal guardian must provide written authorization before Program staff may distribute any medication to a Minor.
o Program staff shall keep the medication in a secure location and, at the appropriate time for distribution, meet with the Minor in the presence of another Adult.
o The Program staff member shall allow the Minor to self-administer the appropriate dose as shown on the container.
o For medication that a Minor cannot self-administer, the parent or guardian may personally administer the medication at the program or, alternatively, must make arrangements with a Third Party health care professional unaffiliated with the University in advance of the Minor’s arrival.
o Minors may carry personal “epipens” and inhalers during activities for self-administration.
- In no event will a University employee be responsible for administration of medications or performing emergency medical procedures; however, in situations of immediate threat to life, Lehigh personnel may, but shall have no obligation to administer that Minor’s medications including epi-pens and inhalers.
- Follow appropriate safety measures approved by the Office of Environmental Health & Safety for laboratory and research work including, but not limited to, training on lab safety.
3. Orientation and Training; Rules for Programs
Orientation and training for all Program personnel shall include the following rules:
- The possession of alcohol, and other drugs, fireworks, guns and other weapons is prohibited.
- Smoking and use of tobacco products are prohibited.
- Minors may only leave University property during the Program with permission and upon stated conditions.
- Theft, violence of any kind, sexual harassment or abuse is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
- Hazing of any kind, bullying, initiation rituals, verbal or physical abuse and cyberbullying are prohibited and will not be tolerated. This includes discriminatory slurs or behavior.
- If applicable, the Program will adopt and implement rules and regulations for proper supervision of Minors in University housing. The following must be included:
o A curfew that is age appropriate for Minors (earlier than 12:00 AM).
o In-room visitation to be restricted to participants of the same gender.
o Guests of participants (other than a parent or legal guardian and other Program participants) may visit only in the building lobby and/or floor lounges and only during approved hours specified by the Program.
o Program personnel and participants must comply with all security measures and procedures specified by the Program Directors, Office of Residence Life, and the Lehigh University Police Department.