Human Resources
Finance & Administration

Lehigh Undergraduate Spouse/Partner Tuition Benefits

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If you are a full benefits-eligible faculty or staff member, Lehigh University provides an undergraduate tuition remission benefit for your spouse or domestic partner.

The benefit is available to employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least 75 percent of a full time schedule. The amount of remission depends on your years of service:

During your first five years of eligible service, the benefit is:

  • 50 percent of the undergraduate tuition during the academic year, and 
  • 100 percent of summer session tuition charges.

After five years of eligible service, the undergraduate tuition benefit is increased to 100 percent.

Important Conditions and Exclusions

  • The benefit is available beginning with the semester following the start of employment
  • Access to this benefit does not imply or guarantee that the employee's spouse or domestic partner will be admitted to Lehigh. The Lehigh University admission process is highly competitive.
  • If the spouse or domestic partner has access to employer sponsored tuition benefits, those benefits should be used first. In the case of a reimbursement plan, the Lehigh benefit will be applied and the reimbursement should be forwarded to Human Resources upon receipt.
  • The academic year benefit is available to those spouses and domestic partners of faculty and staff members who have qualified for admission to the undergraduate program.
  • Students are responsible for paying any fees or other expenses that may be associated with their enrollment at Lehigh University.
  • Benefit is available for courses taken for credit. Courses that are audited (no grade, no credits earned) are not eligible for tuition remission.
  • The benefit does not apply to online or distance education courses that are also available in a traditional classroom format.
  • If the course is only available in an online or distance education format, tuition remission may apply. However, there may be additional fees imposed that are not covered under the benefit. See the Distance Education Tuition Remission policy regarding fees.

Utilizing the Benefit

  • There are no forms to fill out but please contact Human Resources prior to registering for classes the first time. We will answer any questions you may have, confirm benefit eligibility, and notify the Bursar's Office to apply tuition remission to your spouse's/partner's student account. 

For More Information

This web page provides summary information in effect on the date it was prepared.